Sunday, December 2, 2012

Hope chest update...

Ok, this really isn't an update.  More of a realization/apology.

I was attempting to build my children some gorgeous hope chests.  Their intended function was to store personal affects as they grow up, etc...  Securely too.

Unfortunately, around august of 2011, I got injured by my table saw.  A small 3" long x 1" x 1" chunk of VERY hardwood shattered on the table saw and got me dead in the lower lip, leaving me with 8 or so stitches and a hole in my lip.  I was very lucky.

For some reason, ever since then, that project was conspicuoulsy shelved.  Not by a direct thought process... it just kind of happened.  I do plan to get re aquainted with it someday, I promise.

Until then, I am currently build a 3D ABS/PLA printer.  basically, it will print fine quality plastic parts for engineering check fits and design assesments for some automotive products I plan to develop.

Projects, I love them.