Saturday, March 5, 2011


Another house hold project complete.
Cost: $0.oo (it was all scrap lumber.  It was made from a piece of my old work bench top.  I'm green.  I recycle.)

I finished the pull out work surfaces for the work bench.  It didn't come out QUITE as well as I had hoped, but, with out having to dismantle the work bench, I'm pretty happy over all.
Everything went as planned, except, I had hoped to have more work surface exposed.  Right now it's about 12".  I was hoping for 14-16, but it is what it is.  It's very stout, and I'm sure I could sit on it and feel safe.  And that's more the key to this.  I want it strong enough to not be dangerous.

I hope this sparks some interest for someone else.

You can kind of see the guts here.  There are some screws in the back that allow me to adjust the depth of the slide out work surface when it's put away.  There are also screws on the bottom that allow me to adjust how far out it comes.
Everything is installed and flush.  The handles shouldn't get in the way of using clamps or anything.
Madison is having a nice time riding up and down the "black alley"
Everything deployed for use.  Unfortunantly, the corners are right at Madisons eye height, so I will do my best to only use these when I need them, and I'll probably add some safety orange tape to the ends/corners.  There's probably good reason for me to add it for my safety as well.  Safety is #1 in my garage. 
Everything in fake use.  Having a place to put my plastic bins for access was the main motivator for doing this modification, as it was rough on my back if I was accessing them from the floor.  Now, no issue.  Being 6'8" is not all it's cracked up to be. :(

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