Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bed Project

Since I refinished all of our 'donated' bedroom furniture, we needed a bed to match the style and material.  So I designed and built this thing over a period of months.

Test Assembly, just to check it out.  That's black iron pipe for the risers, painted with hammerite paint.
Mortise and Tenon made with a hammer and screwdriver. Ok, maybe not that archaic, but darn near!

Details of the bolts holdint it all together, and the foot detail. 
The foot detail matches the rest of the bedroom furnitures foot details.

Test fitted before finishing.

Stealing design cues from the other furniture in the room.

It's IN!  And it Matches!

Mod 1.0.  It was tough to sit up at night, especially with a pregnent wife, so I made this back board to support us.  It's made from very similar curtain material as our actual curtains.  It matches surpisingly well!

Detail of how I put a bit of angle on it.  It works!!

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