Thursday, July 7, 2011

Quick Update...

Just thought I'd update.  I got a chance to use the 13" planer and planed through about 25 boards (cedar fence post) front and back.
What I like a LOT is that the dust collector sings.  It doesn't make noise or anything, but it just works SO well.  I know it's time to empty the trash can when the clear bag on the dust collector itself starts seeing chips. (you can kind of hear them clunking around the empty bag).
I went through two full garbage cans full of chips...  
The whole thing worked like a champ... very happy.

Strangely, this started to happen.  I'm  thinking it was related to the 101f-103f temperatures I was dealing with.  I took the time to shut it down and clean out the tubes/inlets/etc and they were all 10)% clear.  I'll be keeping an eye on this phenomena as I continue working with this stuff called wood...
All told, after cutting up my planed, jointed, and ripped boards, I discovered I was 4 boards short. :(  Oh well, it shouldn't be too bad to get them in the same configuration as the others...

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