Saturday, October 6, 2012

Home Theater - 15

 July 19th, it’s time to start installing cross overs and speakers.  I was able to get all the necessary speakers for considerably cheaper by buying the truncated frame, so that’s exactly what we did.  It saved us about $200.oo just in speakers.  I’m not too worried about my imperfect blackout painting job either… the grills cover it all up.

 The mantle gets loaded with its speakers…
July 22nd,
The cabinets are coated with two or three heavy coats of gloss white latex paint, and the downward firing subwoofer is in place.  Don’t worry, no one will see it.  One thing that was and is surprising is the colossal weight of the subwoofer speaker alone.  It must be about 20 pounds, making this end of the cabinet very heavy and cumbersome to move.

Cabinets are in the house and the children wasted no time crawling into and out of them.

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